
Who We Are

Who we are

“Presenting our Work / Hoping for Community Support”

An informative booklet about who we are, what we are doing, where our dreams are going and what YOU can do to help (click here to read more)

The Lili Kolisko Institute™ is a tax exempt, non-profit, charitable 501(c) 3 organization dedicated to promoting an anthroposophically oriented health
care and life style, through:Mercury Seal_white

  •   Educational activities,
  •   Research, and
  •   Social community involvements.

Examples of intended areas of activity in the immediate future:

  •   Educational activities

Lectures and workshops will be given in order to raise awareness for the significance of:

  • An anthroposophically oriented medicine, life style and nutrition.
  • Anthroposophical pharmaceutical processes (the morning and evening forces; use of rhythmical preparations; non alcoholic herbal extractions; and more).
  • Therapeutic and curative Eurythmy; Educational projects are needed toward the popularization of this critically important spiritual movement activity.
  • Bio-dynamic agriculture and foods:  what these products are; where they can be obtained; how to support the farmers and gardeners that engage in this activity.
  • The practice of an anthroposophical meditative life. Anthroposophical medicine lays great importance on the practice of meditation both for the practitioner as such as well as for the patients. The importance of these practices needs to be popularized, developed and the best methods to these practices need to be explored.

Research projects in fields such as:Dr. Ross Rentea watering seeds

  •  Development of novel laboratory methods for quality assurance (rising pictures and other forms of chromatography).
  • Clinical and laboratory studies to demonstrate the effectiveness of anthroposophical remedies.
  • Therapeutic Eurythmy: much needed research is necessary in better understanding which specific combinations of movements are suited to which patients.

Social community activities:

  • The Foundation will be active in the formation of supporting communities that would make education and research possible in this field.
  • Establish means for assisting those in financial need who may benefit from anthroposophical therapeutic modalities. At this stage no insurance company reimburses for most of the anthroposophical practices, yet it is often the case that precisely those people who are most desirous to receive these services are the ones that cannot afford them. The Foundation will try to organize a communal support in this direction.