
Season’s Greetings, Easter Greetings!

Dear Colleagues, Dear Friends,

Throughout the day we die a little and lose strength until we have to give all up and finally lie down, go to sleep, lose consciousness. We have to give up our most fundamental human qualities: no more speaking, no more standing upright, no more thinking. Other forces take over and help so that in the morning we can rise again, a “resurgence” takes place. We are restored to our full humanity again. Alas the process needs to be repeated.

This process is similar to the tiredness that happens in the metabolism Sunlight in treeswhere every out-breath – the result of bodily breakdown processes that create CO2 – must be followed by an invigorating in-breath with its life bringing oxygen. This also has to be repeated. Are we doing this just “out of ourselves “ or are other elements at play here?

Isn’t it interesting that in an archetypal human day we breathe 25,920 times; that in a life time we (again archetypically) “resurge” 25,920 times and that these rhythms are coinciding with the return of the Sun to the same cosmic place it was before in 25,920 years.

We are never alone. The Earth could never live without the Sun. And what if just as the human being is not just a physical body, but has  spiritual qualities that help us to strive for higher ideals that help us to constantly resurrect (from the Latin, resurgere) something noble out of the most downtrodden situations of life, what if Nature had these higher Beings also – that repeatedly infuse us with the forces that we might be lacking at the beginning of the breath, at the beginning of the day, at the beginning of the year. What if the life giving Sun also had its Being that unites itself ever more with the Earth and its inhabitants.

This might explain why we pay so much attention at True Botanica to expose our tinctures to at least seven consecutive morning Suns. These are the impulse that we hope to have our remedies aligned with.

We wish you all the Best in this season of Resurgence of the Sun, after the first full moon after the Spring Equinox. We benefit from this Sun, a particularly Powerful one. We benefit from all the remedies that can be made, and have been made at this time, for this time.

But this Sun also benefits from our celebrating it, inviting it in, acknowledging it, not resisting it, not staying in the dark, in the tired, lost in an out-breathing. Then these forces can become ultimately not just forces of resurgence, but forces of Resurrection.

Let’s take in this special Spring Time and marvel at how much more healthy we can then be, how much more effective our medicines and nutrients can work. They help us if we help them.

Dedicated to You,

The True Botanica Foundation Team

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